
Showing posts from 2023

Morobe Flag - poem

The beat of the Kundu drums, a rhythm so strong. Bringing people together, with joy in their hearts, A celebration of life, to share and rejoice. A symbol of peace and joy. The spear, a symbol of defenders and warlords, a tool of the hunters. To protect the people, to fight for justice, to hunt and feed. A symbol of strength and responsibility.  The pig tusk, a traditional money and economy, a token of systematic intelligence for sustainability of life. A symbol of pride and a tale of wealth & prosperity. Together they reveal Pasin Morobe All resting on the Kumul blong Morobe, giving it meaning, a mere symbol without substance. A skinny bird, only covered with big colourful features. Too afraid to fly off the branches itself into the strong wind. But with the three, In Anutu We Trust and Prosper. ********** WGuti - 5th February 2023

Oh Lae City

Oh Lae City,  a rainy gem in the core of Huon Gulf,  nested right in the midst of three rivers, a scenic stand. Pouring from the skies all year, it's rainy Lae, feeding Busu, Markham and Bumbu flowing into the Gulf,  maintaining Lae's greenish majestic awe.  From the east, Busu river, narrow and fast, Flows with speed, a force commanding into the Huon Gulf, from the Waeng/Nabak heights down.  From the West, Markhamm river, mightly wide and slow, Winding its way throgh the valley, a gentle ebb and flow out to maus Markham. Bumbu river, right through Lae city, A lifeline for the urban dwellers. It pours down keeping the 3 rivers flowing. Oh Rainy Lae! WGuti / 18 Jan 2023 *********** Image source (LCA website) :