"together" it will last till death

"together" it will last till death

it is stronger
it is together
that makes it

reign with him
not serve him
reign with her
not use her

sister, don't compete, complain
show him you're capabilities
brother don't suppress
supplement her capabilities

don't expect
make it green together
two is better than one

don't undermine
allow her to build with you
two is better than one

all it takes is commitment
patience, understanding, trust,
willingness to learn

only death
will separate you both
nothing else

"together" it will last till death

wguti 22/01/2017

my inspiration from the life of late Dika K Napkai
today, this date (22/01/2017), two years ago was the last full day of her life on earth.
You will always be an inspiration, my friend

Photo: two empty chairs, looking out to see. Jais Aben, Madang 2016
