soaring in Paradise - 46th Independence Day


seeing you all soar with joy for your country
breaks my heart with joy and sadness

this is your country
this is your land
my wawas

if your abungas (my papa's generation) already sold you
without knowing what they did

i, your uncles, aunties, papa na mama
we owe it to you
to take it back for you

i am not going to just sit and watch
while they rip your hopes for the future
i will have to stand up for you
and i am standing up
if i don't, i am a coward

be it, my name be known or not
that is not matter

but my heart is to see you reign
reign and dominate what God has bestowed for you

your beautiful PNG
it's yours

love you my wawas

It's your day!

photo: my independence day fun with these kids @ Balob Teachers College

 by Wguti@2021 16/09
